Meica Ammerländische Fleischwarenfabrik Fritz Meinen GmbH & Co. KG
Meicastraße 6, 26188 Edewecht
Tel.: +49 (0) 4405 / 999 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 4405 / 999 - 100
German eco control board: DE-ÖKO-006
VAT ID No.: DE 117 832 698
Companies Register No.: HR A 120020
Competent district court: Amtsgericht Oldenburg
Personally Liable Partner: Meinen & Kahmann GmbH, Edewecht
Managing Director: Michael März
Incumbent agency: Just Ebert Design GmbH
Liability for content
Great care was taken in the creation of these web pages. However, we are unable to accept any liability for the correctness, completeness and currently valid nature of the information contained herein. As a provider of services, we are responsible, under the terms of § 7 Abs.1 of Germany’s Telemedia Act (“TMG”), for the content we post on these pages in accordance with generally applicable laws. However, sections §§ 8 - 10 of TMG state that we, as the provider of the service, are not required to monitor third-party information that may be transferred or stored, or to seek out circumstances that may be indicative of unlawful actions. An obligation to remove or block the use of information in accordance with generally applicable laws shall remain unaffected by this provision. However, assumption of liability in such an event shall be possible only from the point in time at which cognizance of corresponding infringements of applicable laws was gained. Once knowledge of such violations has been obtained, the content in question shall be removed without delay.
Liability for links
Our web pages may contain links to external third-party websites whose content we are unable to influence in any way. Accordingly, we are unable to accept any liability whatsoever for such third-party content. In all such instances, sole responsibility for the content of linked pages lies with the respective provider or operator of the pages. Prior to the placing of the link, the corresponding pages were checked for any possible legal violations. At that point in time, there was no evidence of any unlawful content. The inspection was restricted to the linked page only. Other existing links leading from this external website were not inspected. Permanent inspections of the contents of linked pages without any concrete indication to suggest that violations may be occurring cannot reasonably be expected of any operator. In the event that legal violations do become known, we shall remove such links without delay.
Copyright protection
The content, texts, illustrations and other matter created by the website operator, as contained on this website, are subject to German copyright laws. Duplication, editing, dissemination, and any type of utilization going beyond the limits set under copyright law shall require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this website are permitted for private use only, and not for commercial purposes, and only if content is not changed in any way. In instances where the material contained on this website was not created by the operator, third-party copyrights shall be respected. Most notably, third-party content shall be clearly designated as such. Should your attention be nonetheless drawn to a copyright infringement, you are kindly requested to notify us thereof. Once any such violations have become known, we shall arrange for the content in question to be removed without delay.
All brand names and trademarks used on this website are the property of Meica Ammerländische Fleischwarenfabrik Fritz Meinen GmbH & Co. KG. Unless otherwise indicated, all trademarks on the Meica internet pages are protected under proprietary trademark laws. Third parties are hereby prohibited from using or applying all brand names, logos and labels contained herein.
Guarantee disclaimer
The information on the Meica homepage is constantly checked and updated by Meica Ammerländische Fleischwarenfabrik Fritz Meinen GmbH & Co KG. Despite the greatest possible care in compiling the information, Meica cannot guarantee that it is free of errors and accurate. Meica excludes any liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website, insofar as these are not based on intent or gross negligence on the part of Meica.