You have questions or enquiries?

Please use the form we have prepared for this purpose. Tell us what you would like to know and provide the personal particulars requested. We will process your request as quickly as possible.

Note: Due to maintenance work on our website, the contact form was temporarily not fully usable. If you have not yet received a response to your request, we would ask you to contact us again. We apologize and thank you for your understanding.

Content is indicated on the packaging in grams. If the product is sausages in jars or cans, we need to know the drained net weight.
13-digit number located under the bars of the barcode.
Please enter name and location of the store where you bought the product.

*Required Fields


If you have reason to complain about a purchased product, please select the topic "Complaint" at the top of the form.

Note of complaint:

We take complaints very seriously. In order to be able to investigate your complaint, we ask you to keep the product including the packaging. We will contact you as soon as possible and explain the further procedure.

Naturally, you may also contact us by post or telephone

Meicastraße 6
26188 Edewecht
Tel: +49 (0) 4405 999-0 
Fax: +49 (0) 4405 999-100 


Autobahn A28 coming from Oldenburg, exit at OL-Eversten for Edewecht. Once in Edewecht, you will find Meica signposted.

Autobahn A28 coming from Leer, exit at Neuenkruge for Bad Zwischenahn Edewecht. Once in Edewecht, you will find Meica signposted.